The objective of this Boys’ homes and Girls’ Homes is to provide better education to the poor children of the locality and surroundings. The children accommodated in these boarding’s are from poor family background. Most of them are semi orphans. So the homes provide food , shelter, education along with chance for their integral development and skill training. We have 5 Children’s Homes in our province- 3 for boys and 2 for girls. These Balabhavans give a strong platform for the children to build up an integral personality. The children have been actively participating in the arts and sports competitions and stand along with their classmates. The economic support of these centres are from CNEWA and Government. Besides these, contributions from the generous people are also a great help in the path of these centres. A small picnic is arranged every year for the mental relaxation of the children. The sisters in charge of these Homes are very much concentrating for the integral growth and development of these poor children. Each Home has a counsellor in order to cope up with the different problems of the children. We are trying our best to rehabilitate these students after their studies, promoting them for job oriented and technical studies.