Patroness : St. Maria Gorethi
Patroness Day : July 3
Duration : 2 years
Goal : Acquire the readiness to renounce everything to
Become a disciple of Jesus Christ
It is a two year programme of the Formation. The candidates enter solemnly into the Postulancy period after their Aspirancy. The postulany period is spent at Generalate along with the postulants of other provinces. It is during this period that the candidates are given training for meditation and the mistress guide them to a more deep relationship with Jesus. They wear white sari as uniform during the official programmes.
During this period they acquire a preliminary knowledge of Magisterium of the Church, Church documents etc. This course helps the candidate to be aware of ones own strengths and weaknesses and to develop self-confidence and self- esteem. It also helps to have a positive outlook towards sexuality, cherishing womanhood. It also aims at acquiring an awareness of the society in which we live and the current social issues so that the candidate may prepare to respond to it in a catholic way. They will have deeper knowledge about the spirituality of our apostolic life especially living with the poor.
Along with spiritual classes, the Formees do their Plus One & Plus Two courses. 7 sisters from the province regularly take class to the postulants in this period