Patroness : St. Little Flower
Patroness Day : July 3
Duration : 9 months
Goal : Lead by the Holy Sprit and following the footsteps of
St. Little Flower, acquire the readiness to renounce ‘persons and self’ to be united with ‘Jesus Crucified’.
It is the most important phase of the formation. We have two years of novitiate period. The first year is the canonical year where the Novices are exclusively separated from the world and are formed to live with God in prayer and sacrifices. They have classes on various religious and theological subjects and have special training in prayer life and meditation according to the Formation guidelines. The Novices understand and learn the Constitution.
In the second year they are given the practical experiences on religious life through regency and exposure programme. During their regency period they live with the communities and experience the life of Snehagiri more practically. Also there is an intensive theological course in the diocesan institution along with the novices of other congregations.
The last period of the formation is the intensive preparation for their commitment. Here they spent more time in prayer and meditation. After the completion of 5 year religious formation, the candidate dedicate themselves to the will of God through evangelical counsels - Obedience, Chastity and Poverty. The vestition is a solemn celebration officiated by the Bishop. The parents , family members the faithful around attend the function with vigour and gratitude.