“He went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles.” (Mk. 3,16). Vocation is the most precious gift God showers upon the human heart. Always He separates a particular group of people for Him. The 12 disciples, who were selected from the world, were formed for a period of three years. The call to religious life is to imitate Christ and to follow His footsteps.
A thorough formation is a must for every person who are called by God. SMS formation in particular is based on a personal encounter with the Lord and begins with the call of God and the individuals free response to this call under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Formation undoubtedly is one of the most vital aspects of religious life. Being aware of the importance of formation, SMS has always laid great emphasis on the formation. The candidates who are called to a dedicated life through Snehagiri is given a value based spiritual formation which aims at the integral growth of the candidates.
The Provincial Vocation Promoter leads the vaocation promotion according to the directions of the Provincial Superior and the councilor concerned to this department. There is a well trained vocation team, which woroks unanimously in prayer and various activities related to vocation promotion. The sisters visit the parishes, collect the addresses of the interested children and contact with them in various way. Also life guidance seminars, counseling, camps and media presentations about the congregation are conducted by this team. Apart this the vocation promoters gather every month in the provincial house and pray together and evaluate the activities they are doing. Every year two camps are conducted- during Christmas vacation and after the public exam. After one week camp, the chosen candidates are invited for one moth come and see programme. Here they realize their call and concrete it.
The candidates of our province are given 5 years of training before their vestition and first commitment. The training during these periods are directed by the formation by-law, Athmavil Valaran.
Thus the formation in Snehagiri aims at growing in holiness as an SMS Sister, through an integrated formation, rooted in the Charism and identity of Snehagiri Congregation at all levels especially physical, spiritual, moral, affective, academic, apostolic, communitarian and social, enabling her to dedicate herself for the service of God and the Church.