Jesus of the Gospels proves himself to be the best evangelizer of the poor by proclaiming the Gospel to the poor through words and deeds ( Lk.4:18). The Lord Jesus has called, has chosen and has set apart the members of Snehagiri Congregation in order to continue his work of evangelization of the poor, through words and deeds. In the Apostolic Letter, Witness of Joy, on the occasion of the year of consecrated life, Pope Francis requested the Consecrated go forth to the existential peripheries. “‘Go into all the world’; these were the last words which Jesus spoke to his followers and which he continues to address to us ( Mk.16:15). A whole world awaits us: men and women who have lost all hope, families in difficulty, abandoned children, young people without a future, the elderly, sick and abandoned, those who are rich in the world’s goods but impoverished within, men and women looking for a purpose in life, thirsting for God.
Each Snehagiri Sister is called to be an instrument of Divine Love and so ignite the fire of God’s love in others especially among the poor and suffering. The inspiring word of God for this dedication for the poor is the words of Jesus about the Last Judgement. “ And the king will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.” (Mt. 25;40)
The healing ministry of Lord Jesus Christ is being continued by a good number of Snehagiri sisters with dedicated mind and showing Christ’s merciful love to the suffering humanity. Sisters become real friends of humanity, willing to serve with high spirit of sacrifice, prudence, sympathy and tenderness. As they try to cure the bodily ailments they pay special attention to their mental and spiritual well-being.
Empower and Equip
The sisters are trained for an effective service in the apostolic fields academically and professionally. Any of our sisters are trained in medical fields to do service in our geriatric centres and care homes. Trained sisters in Mental Retardation, Autism and Physiotherapy do fervent service in the special schools and in homes for mentally and physically challenged people. Orientation courses are conducted for the sisters in apostolic fields in order that they may equip themselves to face the new challenges in apostolic fields. In order to motivate and enlighten the sisters engaged in the apostolate, refresher courses and trainings are conducted in Provincial and General level.