It is the mother house of Snehagiri. The congregation and the home for physically challenged women started o 24th May 1969 and blessed by Msgr. Philip Valiyil, the vicar general of pala diocese. It was the central house of snehagiri sisters for many years. 15 batches of novices completed their novitiate in this house. It was the generalate of Snehagiri till 1990.
As the congregation was founded for the suffering people, a home for the physically challenged women was started after the foundation of the congregation. The disability finds meaning in Snehagiri.We have about 60 disabled women with us in our homes enjoying their disability through the loving touch of Snehagiri Sisters. This physically challenged women in this home who are really challenged in life due to their physical inefficiency. Most of them are unable even to do their primary needs. The sisters help them to live a satisfied life through their whole hearted service and support. Many are completely bedridden and not able to move. But the loving care and service of the sisters make them happy and satisfied. They are not desperate about their life. Their physical disability gives away when they take part in various activities of the homes. Those who are able to do something are given special training in tailoring, craft works, host making, gardening, domestic animal rearing etc. The support and concern of the people who visit them is the only income to meet the financial needs of this women .